Whit Arnold
Manager of Product Support, OverDrive
Prepare to immerse yourself in 45 sessions dedicated to the latest industry trends, comprehensive product overviews, professional development opportunities, and more.
Hear from a range of experts on the current state of librarianship, how it’s evolving, and steps you and your library can take to navigate it.
Explore SirsiDynix’s guiding principle, BLUE—the Best Library User Experience—and the family of products it’s inspired.
Zero in on the content that matters most to you by following one of three tracks for the day: Partner, Director, or Academic.
Connections is a free, online conference open to library professionals worldwide—and everyone in your library is invited to attend!
Over the course of three days, you’ll unite with 1,000+ attendees from across the globe to hone product knowledge, glean insights from eminent thought leaders, and discover exciting ways to advance your library’s mission.
Open to all libraries
and their staff
at no cost
15- to 30-minute
Yes! Every session will be recorded. All who register for the conference will receive access to on-demand sessions in mid- to late November. Plus, as soon as you register, you also get immediate access to on-demand sessions from previous years.
Manager of Product Support, OverDrive
Founder and Principal Consultant at Beth Wahler Consulting, LLC
Digital Services Director at Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library
Technical Services Librarian at Hampden-Sydney College
Systems and Discovery Librarian at the Architectural Association School of Architecture
Academic Business Development at Research Solutions
ILS Coordinator for Multnomah County Library
Founder, LibraryThing
Principal Investigator at the Center for Information Technology and Public Life
Edward Cornell Law Librarian, Associate Dean for Library Services
Head Librarian at LibraryThing
Founder of Niche Academy
Forge connections that make a difference. Expand your impact in your library and your community. Register now to reserve your spot.
Hear from a range of experts on the current state of librarianship, how it’s evolving, and steps you and your library can take to navigate it.
Learn all about SirsiDynix’s guiding principle, BLUE—the Best Library User Experience—and the family of products it’s inspired. Each session will provide a glimpse into product functionality and benefits.
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